Monday, May 27, 2019

Diversity talking

When we are talking In relation to diversity, we talk about the group who possess psyche qualities that are diverse from our traits. Diversity is the uniqueness which every employee brings to the workplace in an organization or establishment. Examples of differences include nationality, belief, disabilities, physical appearance, race, gender, age, educational background, sexual orientation, and work experience, neighborly and family status, At workplace, valuing diversity means creating a work environment that respects and includes stochastic variable Indlvldudl by maxlmlzlng the otential of all employees or in which every employee feels included.It means acknowledging that another(prenominal) people, other races, other voices, and other cultures have an equal claim on the world. Valuing diversity is the recognition that there are many ways of viewing the world, settlement problems, and working together workplace diversity Is the differences people bring In an organization. It e ncompasses learning and Interacting with people who share different opinions, backgrounds from us and creating an environment w _ tenderness of paper _ ployees should be open-minded and treat others with dignity, respect, courtesy and onsideration and not tolerate harassment or discrimination.This creates a workplace that encourages learning and associating with people from diverse groups. With a diverse working environment and an equally diverse opportunity, the sky is the limit to what you can achieve during your career. In addition to a very Important essential when people deal with diversity Is when there Is a promotion of d safe place for people to communicate (Koonce, 2001 Diversity is the essence of evolution. Right from the past times, it has been clearly evident that various races of the world interacted and traded with each other.Calling diversity as one ot the leading survival tactics ot the human race wont be an anomaly. It opens up the mind and dlmlnlshes the bounda ries defined by set of authoritarians. Diversity Is eminent In nature. The diverse colours of Mother Nature, seasonal variations, existence of solar, lunar and quicksilver(a) movements in harmony and in coordination are nothing but diverse expressions of the same. The myriad hues sync up in reverence and carve a delineation so nice. Man Is a small constituent of this colossal cosmos. And as stated earller, diversity Is dn essence of the existence.Therefore It becomes Imperative to respect and greet the great variation present around. People hailing from different cultures, ethnicity, race, country or religion should be considered as a part of the one society only. and unjustified behaviour expressed by a particular race towards the others. This behaviour is a denial of the Gods creation. In his infinite wisdom, he created people of all colours and creeds. On a scientific basis the colour of the skin depends upon the geographical and environmental factor ins. And in deeper introsp ection, it is the pigment melanin that determines the colour of skin.So, the main point is that nowhere in the description lies any factor that makes a particular race get out than others. The anatomy and physiology of a human body are similar all over the world. Hence discrimination on any basis is unjustified and unacceptable. There are various cultures and religions that are followed in the present society set up. Everyone has the right to follow and express his apparitional beliefs in solidarity. Instead of making prejudices and demeaning people, try to embrace the goodness of each. No religion spread the message of hatred or communalism.It is the followers r the conservatives who modify the teachings according to their maligned thoughts. In the modern world the international boundaries are already shrinking. The increasing trade among the countries and the outsourcing of Jobs is an example. No country can survive on its own. Mutual collaboration among all parts of the world i s mandatory. Even, those who claim to belong to first world have to depend upon the third world countries for a better market and manpower. The oil and gasoline needs are satiated by the gulf countries. In turn, all the modern facilities and exposure to evelopment is best in the developed countries only.Accepting the diversity is not only an option but compulsory for the sustenance of humanity. Accepting the diversity gracefully will help in building a congenial environment. It is the imminent duty of the older generation to understand and teach their younger ones the importance and acceptance of diversity present around. The base line is to warm embrace the diverse cultures and religions and their teachings prevalent in the world. It will help to improvise the human race as a whole and will lead towards a better future for generations to follow.

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